Saturday, June 10, 2017

Number 1: Camel - Ice

Ice” by “Camel
Requested by “Trevor De Vries”

Reaction to Name/Title and Predictions

Not sure if I’ve ever heard of the band, not sure if I’ve heard the song. It sounds like it could have been a popular song. I’m predicting it’s a song and not a piece as you could probably tell. I’d say, it looks like it could be a rock band, maybe in the 90’s, that’s my guess. Not a fast-moving song, I predict. Let’s see if my gut or my deductive reasoning are correct. I don’t have high hopes, I’m often off the mark with such things. Not that it matters if I am correct or not as long as I try.

Reaction from the first Listen

I went with this video, as no link was provided:

I could tell it was an instrumental pretty quickly. Anyway, it starts out very slow and calming, it’s nice hearing each string picked at without any effort. I would say it was quite melodious. Sounded like a band but maybe further back than the 90’s, possibly by just one or two decades. It got pretty climactic near the end and sped up as well as layered in more instruments. I liked the progression, it felt smooth which fits the soothing feel of the entirety of the piece.


Well, there’s no lyrics as it is only instrumental. So, I can skip analyzing the lyrics. It was a pleasant listen, a little slower than what I normally listen to, at least recently. in that way it was a nice change of pace. It’s a rather emotion filled piece. I give it a thumbs up out of… my pollicis muscles. Hopefully I can elaborate more in the future in reviews and/or my thoughts on instrumentals I don’t know of (or instrumentals period).


  1. This is Mars, review 2 of Metallica songs one is classic - fight fire with fire, second one is new - hardwired to self destruct

    1. Could you break that up into two comments? One comment for each song. You can post as many comments as you'd like, I would prefer one comment per each single request though. So the amount of reviews and comments match. And I would also like all the comments with a request to be under the "About the Blog" blog entry. Thanks. (:
